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Mindful School
(Sati Pasala)for Children

Kiwi Sri Lankans / Mindful School (Sati Pasala)for Children

Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present in the moment.

Sati Pasala was established in March 2016 to share mindfulness with students, teachers, and everyone in the school community. It is a non-sectarian, non-religious movement. 

The architect of Sati Pasala is a senior Theravada Bhikkhu with a history of practicing mindfulness for nearly 40 years. He is Venerable Uda Eriyagama Dhammajiva Maha Thero, the Abbot and Chief Meditation Master of Nissarana Vanaya, a forest monastery in Sri Lanka.

Mindfulness can have a positive impact on children, including:

  • Reducing anxiety.
  • Helping reduce and/or manage stress.
  • Improving attention and ability to focus.
  • Managing emotion reactivity.
  • Encouraging their ability to calm themselves and regulate their emotions.

To achieve  those objectives, we deliver online sessions fortnightly, and 1-3 day residential retreats during school holidays. 

Register for the next event

    Registration for the Sati Pasala residential campRegistration for online Sati Pasala sessions